Aneesh Chopra’s Vision for the Path Forward

Aneesh Chopra is the President of CareJourney, an open data service that helps providers, payers and pharma market leaders make smarter decisions in the move to value. He co-founded its parent company, Hunch Analytics, a “hatchery” incubating idea that improve the productivity of health and education markets; served as the first U.S. Chief Technology Officer (’09-’12) and the fourth Virginia Secretary of Technology (’06-’09). His public service focused on better public/private collaboration as described in his 2014 book, "Innovative State: How New Technologies can Transform Government.” Modern Healthcare named him to its list of the 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare; and Government Technology magazine named him as one of its top 25 "Doers, Dreamers, and Drivers.” Join this session to take a glimpse into Aneesh’s crystal ball for the future of healthcare